
We believe that co-creation with customers and partners is key to promoting DX (Digital Transformation).
While collaborating with startups on initiatives such as using AI to optimize warehouse operations, we will also continue to collaborate with our customers through projects such as working with customers to predict demand and supply, establishing optimum production and logistics systems, and promoting optimization for both sides.


Measures, performance indicators, and target values for this theme

Priority issues and measures through business activities
  • Collaborate with startups and companies in other industries
    • Optimize development and create new businesses through open innovation with CVC*, etc.
Performance indicators Target values for FY2030
1 CVC* fund management Establish CVC* of 5.0 billion yen
  • *CVC: An abbreviation for “Corporate Venture Capital,” a business practice in which companies form funds with their own corporate capital to invest in/support unlisted startups that may be related to their business or be advantageous for their core business in the future