Compliance, human rights, gender

We recognize that compliance, human rights, and gender are fundamental to our business activities, and will strive for constant verification and improvement of our current efforts.
In addition, we will assume a primary role in ensuring thorough compliance throughout the comprehensive supply chain, including Group companies and partners.


Measures, performance indicators, and target values for this theme

Priority issues and measures through business activities
  • Promote sincere and fair business activities
  • Ensure thorough compliance, with awareness for comprehensive supply chains
    • Implement initiatives for adherence to relevant laws and regulations and respect for human rights together with subcontractors
Performance indicators Target values for FY2030
1 Response rate for Code of Conduct questionnaire and Sustainability questionnaire*1 Over 90% every year
2 Ratio of female managers*2 10%
  1. *1Questionnaire on Sustainability targeting subcontractors, etc., with close business relationships
  2. *2Ratio of managers among female workers

Examples of initiatives

The Company strives to enhance employees' awareness by providing them with education on human rights and compliance, among other issues.
Going forward, it will conduct a survey on awareness of Sustainability, including subcontractors, through questionnaires and will facilitate initiatives for compliance with laws and regulations and those for respect for human rights throughout the comprehensive supply chain.